
Why should the UK change the Electoral System first past the post (FPTP) to Mixed-member Proportional (MMP)? – Biswasdip TIGELA

April 16, 2020 सम्पादक 0

The UK Parliament Member election system is highly criticised at this moment because of some critical issues against the democratic norms. Most of the British people are aware that some political parties are severely victimised from the First Past the Post (FPTP) electoral system, such as the UK Independent Party (UKIP) and Liberal Democrats. Sometimes this FPTP system […]


The International Criminal Court (ICC): critiques and why all countries’ need to be the ICC States Parties for the fairer and peaceful world? – Biswasdip TIGELA

April 16, 2020 सम्पादक 0

Background The International Criminal Court (ICC) is a remarkable achievement in this 21st century for the fairer and peaceful world. It is another distinguished organisation such as the United Nations. People are suffering from a people or group of people’s stupidities such as crimes against humanity, genocide, war crimes and crimes of aggression since a long time. During […]